Don’t Be Crushed By Student Loans, Use Grants To Help Pay For College
(USNewsbreak.com) – A college education may provide economic advantages and job opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. But many would-be students find the cost of a college education daunting. So how can people who want to get ahead afford college? They might look to Grants.gov for answers. Government grants offer one avenue to find financial aid for college, and it carries the bonus that students won’t face having to pay back huge loans with outrageous interest after they graduate. We’ve gathered more information about using Grants.gov to pay for college.
What Is Grants.gov?
Grants.gov is a sort of federal clearinghouse for over 1000 grant programs and applications to benefit all kinds of people, including students, veterans, the elderly, and low-to-moderate-income families, among others. The site includes a search engine so people can find grants to help themselves. Students might be able to find assistance with tuition, books, housing, work/study, and other aspects to help with their educational pursuits.
How To Use the Search Engine
- Go to the Grants.gov homepage.
- Find and click on the tab linked to the Search Grants page.
- Type the keyword “education” in the search box in the top right corner of the Search Grants page and click Search.
- On the first page, a listing of education-related grants will appear and continue to consecutive pages.
- Scan the listings to find any applicable grants.
- Repeat with other search terms if appropriate.
It may take a lot of time to search through the proposals and find potential grants. Additional searches might also be necessary. Each grant package includes a link where qualified individuals can apply. Applicants must carefully read the grant proposals to ensure they meet all the requirements, and then they can begin the application process. It’s a good idea to search Grants.gov periodically because agencies add new grants routinely.
Other Government Grants
College funding has been a big issue for quite a while. Because of that, the Department of Education created the StudentAid.gov site to assist people in finding the most common grants, scholarships, and loans. To apply for aid, students must meet basic eligibility requirements, including financial need, citizenship, and enrollment.
Next, use the Federal Student Aid Estimator tool to determine the chances of obtaining a grant. Keep in mind financial need may be only one component. Students should apply even if it looks like they might not qualify. Finally, participants should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
One of the best things about applying for FAFSA is that it automatically helps students’ college of choice check their eligibility for Pell grants and other Department of Education grants for which students might qualify.
Pell Grants
The federal government awards these grants primarily based on financial need and consider the expected family contribution (EFC). Pell grants are the most commonly awarded and generally provide up to $6895 annually. Still, students must plan their educations carefully because they can only receive a maximum of 12 semesters of Pell grants in their lifetimes.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants
Undergraduates, post-graduates, and graduate students are eligible for these grants, but there are several qualifications. One is that recipients must fulfill a teaching service obligation to a low-income school area upon completion of their degree. The TEACH grant converts to a loan if recipients don’t complete the teaching service obligation, making this grant quite unlike others. Currently, the annual maximum award is $3772. In return, the grant requires a four-year teaching service obligation.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
Undergraduate students with the greatest financial needs receive these grants from participating schools, but the availability is strictly limited per school each year. Currently, $4000 annually is the maximum award.
So many students compete each year to find grants and scholarships. Even though the competition is fierce, there are tools to help. Students should be sure to use Grants.gov and StudentAid.gov to help fund their college dreams.
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