White House Holiday Video Gets Mixed Reactions

White House Holiday Video Gets Mixed Reactions

(USNewsBreak.com) – Every year, it’s customary for the First Lady to decorate the White House for Christmas, and they each have their own unique festive tastes. They also release a video. This year, FLOTUS Jill Biden released a two-and-a-half-minute video showcasing talent from Dorrance Dance, but itโ€™s receiving mixed reviews.

According to Biden, the video, posted on X, formerly Twitter, on December 13, is “A bit of magic, wonder, and joy.” The dancers within are tapping down the White House hallways in elaborate costumes and headdresses in what she calls a “playful interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite.” In fact, the White House does have Nutcracker decorations throughout, including in its China room.

However, instead of the classical music that usually accompanies ballet dancers as they twirl around onstage, this production has big band music, and the dancers’ movements are grand and expressive. Some pundits say it was over the top, and the criticism ensued.

One X user asked, “What’s with the Hunger Games aesthetic?” Others claimed it was “dystopian,” “cringe,” and reminiscent of “Clockwork Orange.” Then, a few wondered how many of their tax dollars went toward the performance.

Some took it upon themselves to compare the performance to the video that Melania Trump released in 2020 featuring her and former President Donald Trump in a classic setting. Notably, President Joe Biden and his wife chose not to appear in this year’s video.

On the flip side, some left compliments about the video. Many praised the artistic feel of the performance and noted that the dancers worked hard to achieve their skill and deserved recognition for it.

President Biden and his wife participated in other traditional events during the holiday season, such as welcoming the Christmas tree and the lighting ceremony that took place on the Ellipse, just south of the White House.

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