US Dual Citizen Caught in Hamas Attack Is Dead

US Dual Citizen Taken Captive By Hamas Is Dead

( – When Hamas launched its surprise attack on Israel on October 7, it took more than 200 hostages. While the organization released some and Israeli forces recovered others, the militant group still has approximately 129 in captivity. A committee appointed by the Israeli government updated statuses and declared some of these hostages dead, including a US-Israeli dual citizen.

On Friday, December 22, the Israeli government confirmed that 73-year-old Gadi Haggai, who holds dual citizenship in the US and the Jewish State, had passed away. They say the October 7 attack killed him, but Hamas took his body and is still holding it. Hamas still has his wife, 70-year-old Judi Weinstein Haggai, who is also a dual citizen.

The couple was walking around their home at the kibbutz or Nir Oz on the morning of October 7 when they came under attack. Mrs. Haggai tried to get paramedics to her husband, but they lost contact. Mrs. Haggai had also managed to call her daughter in Singapore and authorities in the kibbutz to let people know she and her husband had suffered gunshot wounds.

The Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum released a statement on Haggai’s presumed death and said he “was a man full of humor” and “a musician in the soul.” He had four children and seven grandchildren. President Joe Biden also released a statement, according to The Washington Post, relaying his condolences and reiterating his pledge “to all the families of those still held hostage: we will not stop working to bring them home.”

Current reports indicate Hamas still holds more than 100 hostages, but fewer than 10 of them are Americans. Authorities believe Mrs. Haggai is the oldest woman in captivity.

The war continues raging on, with Israel carrying out multiple attacks on Gaza, intent on eradicating the militant group. The humanitarian crisis has continued growing in the region. It’s unclear what efforts are in place to secure the release of the remaining hostages.

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