SCOTUS Agrees To Take on Trump Ballot Case

Trump Wants SCOTUS To Intervene in Ballot Case

( – The Colorado State Supreme Court ruled in December that former President Donald Trump couldn’t appear on the presidential primary ballot in the state because he violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. His team immediately began taking steps to appeal the decision to the nation’s highest court.

Trump’s legal team petitioned the Supreme Court on Wednesday, January 3, to keep him on Colorado’s primary ballot, thus appealing the ruling. Trump’s attorneys said the Colorado high court’s decision is “the first time in the history of the United States that the judiciary has prevented voters from casting ballots” to choose a presidential candidate. They have asked the court to expedite the case because time is of the essence.

However, despite the decision to remove him, the Colorado court created a loophole. In its ruling, the Colorado Supreme Court noted that the former president could remain on the ballot if he filed an appeal and the US Supreme Court took no action. The Justices issued a stay that remained in effect until January 4. After that time, the court’s order required the Colorado Secretary of State to add Trump’s name to the ballot. The Supreme Court would have had to deny certification of the case on or before January 5 for the state to remove Trump from the ballot.

On January 5, the US Supreme Court agreed to take the case, meaning they will decide whether or not Trump can appear on the ballot. They are reportedly set to hear arguments on February 8.

Trump faces a similar battle in Maine, where State Secretary Shenna Bellows also ordered his name removed from the primary ballot instead of relying on a court decision. Trump’s team appealed that move to a state court, and the legal action will continue to play out. In late December, Michigan’s Supreme Court justices ruled that Trump would remain on its ballot.

The former president also faces a host of other legal challenges from John Anthony Castro. If the challenges are successful, they could remove Trump from primary ballots in a number of Western states. The case is pending a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling.

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