Ron DeSantis Dismisses Speculation About Wife Running for Office

Ron DeSantis Dismisses Speculation About Wife Running for Office

( – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has seen far less of the spotlight since he dropped out of the presidential race, but he’s still serving as the governor of Florida. His wife, Casey, worked by his side throughout his bid for the GOP nomination. Lately, rumblings have circulated that she might also join the political sphere. The governor was quick to put that notion to rest.

At a press conference in Coral Gables on Monday, May 13, a reporter asked DeSantis about the possibility of his wife running for governor when he finishes his term in January 2027. In Florida, term limits restrict individuals from holding the state leadership role beyond two terms.

DeSantis is currently in the midst of his second term. In response to the question, the governor smiled and said if he “had to characterize her interest,” it would be “zero.” He attributed that to her “having a front-row seat on all the nonsense that goes on.”

The reporter asked the question because recent polls queried those surveyed who they would vote for today if presented with several options, including Casey DeSantis and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). In a Mainstreet Research survey, Mrs. DeSantis was the clear winner at 38%. Gaetz came in dead last with 16%, behind “another candidate” (20%) and 26% who voted “don’t know.”

Mrs. DeSantis has remained a steadfast presence in her husband’s gubernatorial and presidential bids, even through her own cancer battle. She also spearheaded several initiatives in the state, including Florida Cancer Connect and Mamas for DeSantis. However, people close to the family, which includes three children who range in age from three to seven, said Casey has no interest in joining politics herself.

DeSantis still has a few years left on his second term, but in 2026, the field could become very crowded with prospects on both sides of the aisle.

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