Perry Johnson Announces Suspension of 2024 Bid

Perry Johnson Suspends Campaign for President

( – The 2024 presidential elections are just over a year away, and candidates are already vying for the party nomination. The Republican Party primary race is particularly crowded, with 11 people looking to secure that top spot. However, several GOP candidates have dropped out over the past few weeks as they were unable to meet the qualifications to debate. Perry Johnson suspended his campaign on October 20.

Who Is Perry Johnson?

Perry Johnson is a Michigan businessman who announced his candidacy in March. However, he has failed to meet the qualifications to compete in the first two debates. Due to more stringent conditions, he was also unlikely to meet the criteria for the third. Having seen the writing on the wall, Johnson announced on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he was suspending his campaign.

Johnson noted that, in running, he intended to ensure “that the country my children inherit is just as extraordinary as the America in which [he] grew up.” He cited many factors, including the “government’s out-of-control spending,” as reasons for throwing his name in the hat.

The former candidate also made sure to take aim at the Republican National Committee for its corruption, which he said was “appalling.” In another statement on X, Johnson said he was throwing his support behind former President Donald Trump, adding that he was the only one who could beat President Joe Biden.

Who Is Left?

In the Republican Party, there are still 11 candidates left, including former President Donald Trump, who currently outshines the rest by miles. Others include former Vice President Mike Pence, former South Carolina Governor and US Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump is blowing everyone else out of the water despite his ongoing legal woes. As of October 24, he was leading the candidates at 57%, with DeSantis and Haley bringing up the top three with 15.1% and 7.9%, respectively.

In the Democratic Party, there are currently three candidates currently competing for the chance to run for office: current President Joe Biden, self-help author Marianne Williamson, and talk show host Cenk Uygur. Biden is the only one polling on FiveThirtyEight, with 62.8% as of the time of writing. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr dropped out of the Democratic primary on October 9 to run as an independent. He is joined by Chase Oliver and Cornel West.

Recent polls indicate that if there’s a repeat of Biden v. Trump in 2024, it will be a very close call. Either candidate might win by a very small margin of 1% to 2%.

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