Nikki Haley Reveals She Plans To Give Trump Her Vote

Nikki Haley Reveals She Plans To Give Trump Her Vote

( – During the GOP presidential primaries, former President Donald Trump faced a lot of competition. In the end, though, only he and former US Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley remained standing. Haley eventually dropped out of the race following a poor Super Tuesday showing, but she stopped short of endorsing him. Now, she is saying that she will vote for Trump in November.

While campaigning against Trump, Haley once said he was “not qualified” to be the US leader. She went so far as to call him “more unhinged than he ever was.” However, she seems to have turned around on the issue. On Wednesday, May 22, she spoke at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC, and noted she would cast her vote for him later this year.

In her statement, Haley cited the need for attention to foreign policy and multiple economic issues facing the US. She acknowledged that “Trump has not been perfect on these policies” but then pointed the finger at President Joe Biden. On the same matters, Haley said, “Biden has been a catastrophe.” For that reason, she “will be voting for Trump.”

Haley also reiterated what she said when she stepped away from the primary race in March. She recommended that Trump reach out to the voters in her corner. She said it was important that he didn’t just “assume that they’re just gonna be with him” and actively tried to connect with them.

Haley wasn’t the first person to drop out of the race and then give Trump their support. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), who once enjoyed a close relationship with Trump, put animosity aside to put himself firmly in Trump’s corner. As for his vice presidential picks, Trump made it clear that Haley was nowhere near that list — though he did come out and say last week that she may have a place on his “team.” He plans to reveal his choice for running mate over the summer at the RNC convention.

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