National Intelligence Director Says Actors Tied To Iran Are Trying To Sow Discord

National Intelligence Director Says Actors Tied To Iran Are Trying To Sow Discord

( – The Israeli-Hamas war has raged on for more than nine months. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged not to stop until he eradicates the militant group, despite several warnings from the West and EU. Iran, which supports Hamas and another militant group, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, has reportedly continued adding fuel to the fire. Not only is Iran reportedly stocking up on uranium, potentially furthering its nuclear program in violation of international law, but the country’s leaders have also become involved in fanning the flames in an attempt to sow discord, per US intelligence.

Director of National Intelligence’s Warning

On Tuesday, July 9, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines released a statement detailing “Recent Iranian Influence Efforts.” She said she wanted to take the “opportunity to draw […] attention to concerning Iranian activity.” Haines reiterated that she testified before Congress in May about Iran and its penchant for attempting to sow discord by using social media and online Iranian influencers to spread its message.

Haines pointed to the country’s officials “using a playbook [US intelligence has] seen other actors use over the years.” Intelligence operatives observed that some of those moves included “actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests,” and giving “financial support to protesters.”

The DNI also noted that intelligence agencies don’t consider Americans taking part in protests a part of the warning. In her statement, she openly encouraged citizens to use their rights to express their beliefs and protest peacefully. However, she cautioned people to stay aware of bad actors who were simply using the opportunity to “exploit our debate for their own purposes.”

Washington’s Internal Discussions

According to the New York Post, Washington insiders, including those in the White House, have discussed the possibility that Iran is working from the inside to stoke the flames. Protests across the country have shown that there are two very polarized sides to the battle and strong opinions about how Israel is proceeding in its efforts.

Haines cautioned those who read on the matter to be aware that Iran is sometimes spreading disinformation. She asked people to be wary of engaging online with unknown individuals.

In the meantime, Israel is continuing its offensive. During the week of July 8, it distributed leaflets in Gaza City urging those residing there to move south.

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