Louisiana Lawmakers Push Forward Permitless Concealed Carry Legislation

Louisiana Lawmakers Push Forward Permitless Concealed Carry Legislation

(USNewsBreak.com) – While most Americans have the right to exercise the Second Amendment, it’s up to the states where they live to dictate specific carry laws. At least half of the states in the country have permitless carry, meaning a person doesn’t need a permit to have a gun on them if federal laws allow them to have firearms. One more state is pushing to join those ranks.

On Thursday, February 22, as part of a special session meant to address rising crime, Louisiana state senators advanced legislation to allow people to carry concealed guns in their state without the need for a permit. Senate Bill 1 passed along party lines, after which the House version, House Bill 12, made its way to the House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice and also passed. Now it’s headed to the full Louisiana House, which has its own legislation on the same issue.

Currently, the Bayou State allows open carry without a permit in most places, with the exception of sensitive locations such as schools, military bases, and courthouses. Louisiana does allow concealed carry, but requires the gun owner to be 21 years old, have a permit, which costs $125, submit fingerprints, and complete a firearms safety course. Should SB1 become law, it would render the permit unnecessary. Additionally, the bull seeks to lower the permissible carry age to 18. Those who want to buy guns would still have to submit to the required background check, per federal law.

GOP lawmakers, including State Senator Blake Miguez (R), who wrote the bill, said that the law would help people “protect what’s [theirs]” and honor the Second Amendment, which he says “is our God-given right to bear arms and defend our families,” according to The Associated Press. Democrats fear eliminating carry permits could lead to even more gun violence, a point that Republicans refute with the argument that criminals ignore laws.

Louisiana’s governor is expected to sign the measure.

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