Lloyd Austin Returns Home After Hospital Stay

Lloyd Austin Returns Home After Hospital Stay

(USNewsBreak.com) – On New Year’s Day, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin entered the hospital after suffering complications from a recent surgery. His hospitalization caused quite the stir, not because he was ill, but because no one had informed the White House of his illness or the fact that he was out of office. The hospital has now released the cabinet member.

On Monday, January 15, the Pentagon released a statement saying Walter Reed National Military Medical Center discharged Lloyd from its care, and he was at home recovering. He will be working remotely for the time being as he heals. A full rehabilitation plan is in place to aid his recovery. A spokesperson commented, “He has full access to required secure communications capabilities” at home.

The story of Lloyd’s undisclosed hospital stay broke earlier this month and drew intense scrutiny, considering President Joe Biden was unaware that one of his cabinet members was ill. As more of the story came to light, the defense secretary revealed doctors had diagnosed him with prostate cancer in December, and he underwent a prostatectomy to remove the organ. The White House was also unaware of this. Several days after his surgery, he began experiencing severe pain, which landed him in Walter Reed’s intensive care unit.

Making matters worse, Lloyd was in the hospital for several days before aides informed Biden, and the situation set off a firestorm in the media and Congress. Several lawmakers, including some Democrats, have called for Lloyd’s resignation. Biden, however, says he has no plans to remove Lloyd from his position.

However, the White House began a review of Cabinet protocols and has asked each agency to review theirs to ensure they complied with specific guidelines. White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients issued a memo regarding the delegation of duties and the proper chain of command.

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