Judge Puts Brakes on Parts of Maryland Firearm Law

Judge Puts Brakes on Parts of Maryland Firearm Law

(USNewsBreak.com) – In the wake of increasing violence across the nation, many blue states have tried their hand at enacting gun-control laws. Most of this legislation ends up in front of a court as advocates fight for Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Maryland was the latest to enact a law to ban concealed carry in certain spaces, but a judge’s ruling recently dealt it a blow.

In May, Maryland passed a gun control law banning concealed or open carry of firearms in several locations. This was a direct response to the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen case, which upended the state’s restrictive laws. With the new legislation, guns were to be prohibited at public gatherings, any location where alcohol was sold, and on private property unless the owner consented. The National Rifle Association and other advocacy groups immediately brought a suit against the state, saying the legislation violates the US Constitution. A judge partially agreed with the claims.

Judge George Russell III, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, relied on the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Bruen case. In doing so, he said that Maryland lacked the historical basis it needed to limit possession in certain places like restaurants, public gatherings, and private businesses. Therefore, those provisions were immediately halted.

However, Judge Russell upheld other parts of the law, which banned firearms at parks, schools, museums, healthcare facilities, and government buildings. Because they fall under the designation of “sensitive spaces,” which is also outlined in the New York law, they can remain in place. Additionally, the judge said that these types of restrictions were in place when the Second Amendment was adopted, so they could stand.

The NRA, in a statement to The Washington Post, that it is “pleased with the partial win” but that it would “be continuing [its] challenges to theā€¦ so-called sensitive places that the court declined to enjoin.”

The preliminary injunction on parts of the law is set to remain in effect while the case continues to move forward in court.

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