Hunter Biden Testifies in GOP Investigation

Hunter Biden Testifies in GOP Investigation

( – The House GOP has continued investigating President Joe Biden with an eye toward impeachment for his alleged use of his position as vice president during the Obama Administration for monetary gain. The House Judiciary and Oversight Committees have worked double time trying to connect Biden to his family’s business dealings, notably those of his son, Hunter. The younger Biden recently sat down with Republican lawmakers for more than six hours in a private hearing.

Hunter Biden arrived on Capitol Hill to testify in an impeachment inquiry hearing on Wednesday, February 28. He answered questions about his business dealings and his father’s alleged involvement. According to ABC News, sources said Hunter faced the questioning head-on and didn’t invoke his right to remain silent.

Of note, lawmakers asked the younger Biden about two correspondences: a 2017 email sent by James Gilliar and a text message sent in July 2017. Regarding the email, Hunter said the sender was incredulous for even asking for then-Vice President Joe Biden’s involvement. He also addressed the text message he sent, saying that his father was next to him. According to Hunter, he sent it while he was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol, and his father wasn’t with him at the time. He added that he even sent the message to the wrong person. He maintained that he “did not involve [his] father in [his] business.” He noted he never crossed that boundary when he “was a practicing lawyer, not in [his] investments or transactions domestic or international, not as a board member, and not as an artist.”

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chair of the House Oversight Committee, said he found some “discrepancies” in comparing Biden’s testimony against that of previous witnesses. He insisted that the probe will continue, and a public hearing might be next on the agenda.

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