Feds Arrest Woman Over Threats to Uvalde School

Feds Arrest Woman Over Threats to Uvalde School

(USNewsBreak.com) – A shooter opened fire at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24, 2022, killing 19 students and two teachers and injuring 17 others. The attack rocked the small town. Police eventually killed the perpetrator in a botched response, but it came to light that would-be attackers made previous threats against the school and the community. Now, authorities have arrested a 19-year-old woman in connection with those.

On Wednesday, November 29, a grand jury indicted Victoria Gabriela Rodriguez-Morales on 13 charges of making interstate threats. According to The Wall Street Journal, the teen had sent violent messages for years to schools and hospitals — even before the Robb Elementary shooting.

The threats date back to 2018, when Rodriguez-Morales first came under investigation. At the time, she allegedly threatened Uvalde citizens and officials. Police took her into custody, and a court remanded her to a juvenile detention center. She attained release on the condition that she and her family move to Puerto Rico, which they did. Neither of those measures stopped her from continuing her threats. Rodriguez-Morales continued sending messages from the juvenile detention facility and Puerto Rico. One of the threats she sent resulted in a temporary school closure.

Last year, the teen sent an indirect threat to Uvalde mayoral candidate Kimberly Mata-Rubio, whose daughter died in the shooting, saying if the woman won the election, Rodriguez-Morales was going to kill her. Other messages posted by Rodriguez-Morales on social media show no compassion for those who died. Instead, she supported Ramos, who she said “wasn’t alone” but hadn’t “wait[ed] for the right time.”

When Rodriguez-Morales continued to send the messages after her 18th birthday, it allowed the FBI to arrest and charge her in an adult capacity. Each of the charges she faces carries a sentence of five years. If convicted, she faces up to 65 years behind bars.

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