DeSantis, Haley Clash in Latest Debate

DeSantis, Haley Clash in Latest Debate

( – Former President Donald Trump holds a significant poll lead against his two closest competitors in the Republican primary race. It seems unlikely that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis or former South Carolina Governor and US Ambassador Nikki Haley will catch him unless something drastic happens between now and the primary dates. However, the two are still holding on strong and recently met at a debate where they proceeded to clash.

When the fifth debate took place, it came as little surprise that only two remained standing: Haley and DeSantis. It was not a friendly debate, with both sides taking potshots at the other in typical fashion, much like the competitors had done when four comprised the group.

Haley took DeSantis to task for the struggles of his campaign over the past several months. She said how a candidate runs a campaign displays their leadership. Haley didn’t hold back. She added the Florida leader “has nothing to show for it,” referring to the fact he had exhausted most of his $150 million on private planes rather than “on commercials trying to get [primary voters] to vote for him.” Then she posed a hard-hitting question: “If you can’t manage a campaign, how are you going to manage a country?”

Haley had a point regarding DeSantis’ campaign struggles. He has fired or moved many staffers to different positions, and his campaign has seen very little reward for the money he’s invested — some of which he spent on a Nazi-themed ad that drew considerable ire.

Yet, DeSantis didn’t let Haley get in all of the shots. He called her a “corporatist,” someone who owes donors and will likely make decisions benefiting them. He also called her a “mealy-mouthed politician.”

The two discussed hot-button issues such as the border crisis, Social Security, the situation with Israel, and taxes. However, neither candidate focused on criticizing Trump, who qualified for the debate but still chose not to attend.

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