Dean Phillips Reveals He’s Running for President

Dean Phillips Reveals He's Running for President

( – The 2024 presidential election is about a year away and candidates for both sides are seeking to win the primary for their respective parties. More than a dozen contenders are vying for the coveted right to run for office under the GOP. President Joe Biden has thus far faced less competition, with only Cenk Uygur and Marianne Williamson rising to challenge him thus far. Now, one representative is looking to throw his hat in the ring.

On Friday, October 27, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) announced his run for president. He appeared in New Hampshire to file for the upcoming primary, the very same one Biden is skipping because of the Democratic Party’s push for change.

Notably, Phillips isn’t critical of the current commander-in-chief. During a recent interview with CBS News, he maintained that, “Biden has done a spectacular job for our country.” Throwing his name in the hat is not about his leadership, but “about the future.”

Phillips is concerned that the polling, should this election be a repeat of 2020 with former President Donald Trump facing off against Biden, won’t align with Democratic Party goals. He said that recent figures suggest they might face a potential emergency next November.

Biden’s age, at almost 81, is leading constituents on both sides of the aisle to question whether he’s capable of handling another tenure in public office. Phillips is playing into that narrative, pointing out that he is younger and has a fresher perspective. He said the current president’s tenure in federal office is a “part of the problem.”

While Phillips is a longshot candidate, his ability to point this out could keep the issue at the forefront for voters. Several recent polls suggest there is credence to the idea that Biden’s age is a common complaint for voters. Respondents to a recent CNN-University of New Hampshire survey from September cited the president’s advanced age as a primary concern.

An opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal notes that should Phillips manage to gain momentum, it could shake up the Democratic primary, even if it doesn’t boot Biden from the top slot. However, it is too soon to draw any final conclusions about the race just yet.

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