CDC Reveals Shocking Findings on Skin Disease

CDC Believes Skin Disease Could Be Endemic in Texas

( – Whenever there’s an outbreak of a disease in the United States, the CDC issues an alert notifying citizens of the affliction, symptoms, and what to do if they suspect they may be ill. The agency is now providing information about what appears to be an increasing prevalence in a flesh-eating parasitic infection called leishmaniasis.

According to a recent analysis, leishmaniasis is spreading throughout the country and has been for some time now. The CDC identified cases in Texas and has suggested it may be endemic there now, but some cases have reportedly been found in other southern states as well.

Between 2005 and 2019, the CDC identified more than 1,200 cases of leishmaniasis in the US. While it often identifies cases among people who travel outside the country to subtropical or tropical climates, such as Latin America, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Central Asia, the agency found dozens of cases of the disease in people who hadn’t traveled outside the US. The parasite is transmitted by sand fly bites.

According to NBC News, health officials discovered a genetically distinct strain of leishmaniasis, leading to the conclusion that it is now likely spreading locally rather than solely via travel. Vitaliano Cama, a researcher and senior adviser who works with the CDC’s Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, said “the majority [of samples] were from Texas.” However, the uptick in cases in the Lone Star state could be due to its reporting system.

CDC epidemiologist Dr. Mary Kamb said the agency is bringing awareness to the matter not because there’s believed to be a major risk to public health, but because it’s important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the disease and its symptoms.

Leishmaniasis is associated with skin sores that develop within days or months after sand fly bites. More serious symptoms associated with the specific strain Leishmania infantum include weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver), pancytopenia (decrease in blood cells), fever, and high protein combined with low albumin levels. Some people may also remain totally asymptomatic.

Experts say that the best way to avoid bites is to wear insect repellent or long sleeves when outdoors.

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