Candidate Nikki Haley Pursues Secret Service Protection

Candidate Nikki Haley Pursues Secret Service Protection

( – More than a dozen candidates vied for the nomination when the 2024 Republican primary race began. Now, it’s down to two: former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor and US Ambassador Nikki Haley. Many people have suggested that Haley should drop out of the race and back Trump, but she’s not having it. However, due to “multiple issues” facing the candidate and her campaign, she has requested Secret Service protection.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Monday, February 5, Haley confirmed she submitted an application for protection to federal officials, citing multiple incidents that have put her safety at risk. One of those came in her home state when security personnel had to tackle a woman who was rushing the stage. Other occasions involved protestors showing up at her campaign events to showcase their displeasure with her support of Israel and Ukraine, a hot-button topic among GOP constituents these days.

The former governor also became the subject of a swatting incident in December. Although she wasn’t home during the incident, her elderly parents and their caretaker experienced the episode.

Haley remains adamant that those issues are “not going to stop [her] from doing what [she] need[s] to do.” She said she’s used to threats, which are common when candidates become involved in campaigning. While the former SC governor sees the need to “put a few more bodies around” her and her team, she’s still planning “to go out there and touch every hand… [and] answer every question.” Currently, Haley has personal security coverage when she attends events, and local law enforcement is also present.

When requesting a Secret Service detail, most candidates can seek the protection within a year of the general election. The Homeland Security secretary authorizes such coverage. The USSS itself doesn’t make the decision.

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