Hungary Vetoes EU Aid Intended for Ukraine

Hungary Vetoes EU Aid Intended for Ukraine

( – It’s been nearly two years since Russia invaded Ukraine, and it doesn’t look like the war will end anytime soon. Most of the West, including the United States, has sent aid to bolster the war-torn country and keep Russia from succeeding in its mission to capture the land for its own. However, when the European Union (EU) recently voted on a package, one country kept it from passing.

In a recent meeting, the EU voted on whether to approve a €50 billion (approximately $54.6 billion) aid package that would help Ukraine’s economy over four years. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held out, making his the lone country to veto the motion. Despite Hungary’s smaller size, Orbán used this tool in his arsenal to override other larger countries, such as France, Germany, and Poland, who all voted in favor because the EU requires unanimity on matters concerning spending and foreign and security policies.

Orbán’s argument reportedly centered on the fact that Ukraine shouldn’t receive significant amounts of money because it doesn’t belong to the 27-member bloc. Of particular note, he’s also trying to prevent Ukraine from joining the EU. Orbán himself noted he has 75 more occasions where he can hold up the process.

Orbán’s actions may have consequences. According to the Financial Times, diplomats and officials noted the EU may move to limit Orbán’s ability to thwart its efforts to fund Ukraine. However, he has indicated that before he’s willing to greenlight funding for Ukraine, he wants the frozen funds currently earmarked for Hungary.

The EU is hopeful that when the summit meets again in January, they will be able to approve funding.

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