2 Journalists Sentenced in Iran

2 Journalists Sentenced in Iran

(USNewsBreak.com) – On September 13, 2022, Iran’s morality police arrested Mahsa Amini for allegedly not wearing her hijab, a violation of the Islamic dress code. Authorities allegedly beat her while she was in custody, and three days later, she died at the young age of 22. Her passing sparked many protests in the country, particularly among women who were fed up with widespread inequality and repression. Now, more than a year later, the country has sentenced two journalists to jail time for their coverage of the events.

On Sunday, October 22, Mizan, a judiciary news website, reported that Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloufar Hamedi were sentenced to six and seven years in prison, respectively. Both journalists, who worked for reformist newspapers, are accused of collaborating with the US in their coverage of Amini, propaganda against the system, and colluding against national security. Specifically, Mohammadi covered the deceased’s funeral, while Hamedi was the one who reportedly broke the news of Amini’s death while in custody. The United Nations recognized the pair for their hard work and commitment to portraying the truth, awarding both with its premier prize for press freedom in May.

The US immediately condemned the sentences, saying the two never should have been jailed. In a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, the Office of the Special Envoy for Iran stated that the “regime jails journalists because it fears the truth.” Similarly, the Committee to Protect Journalists demanded that the two be released.

Hamedi and Mohammadi are far from the only journalists arrested following Amini’s death. Iranian authorities took nearly 100 into custody. However, the work of the two was instrumental in sharing the story of not just Amini’s death, but the protests that followed, with the world.

Hundreds died in the protests as police violently cracked down on the uprisings. Nearly 20,000 others were arrested for dissent.

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